Welcome to the Tao do Martial Arts Aotearoa.
Rotoma - Rotorua
Master Craig Thompson - 027 484 0581
Whitianga - Coromandel
Senior Instructor
Tony Wilson - 027 333 5146
Te Aroha - Waikato
Rosealie Costar - 021 265 1289
Tao Do has a base of Tae Kwon Do which translates to "The way of the hand and foot." It's also has influence of the Chinese Arts of Wing Chung, Jeet Kune Do, Ba Gua & Western Boxing.
The Student is taught the devastating kicking techniques of Tae Kwon Do with hand and foot work speed of the Eastern Chinese styles. The student is taught a very all rounded physical martial art that is modernized for the violent world in which we live today.

The other side to Tao Do is the spiritual side the student is taught Respect for life Respect for Oneself. This is represented by the Ying & Yang concept of coming together, the Soft/Hard; the coming together of physical and spiritual as one.
The aim for the student is to achieve a peaceful mind without all the extremes of either anger or happiness: a mind without worry. Taoism proposes that all things in the universe exist in a state of harmony. Meditation plays a big part of Tao Do. The student is taught to look at themselves.
Great for Fitness, Sound mind, Sound body, Self Control, Confidence, Discipline, Defense, Team building.
"To make a difference in this world we must first look inside ourselves"
Achieve - Peaceful Mind - Emotion - Taoism - Mediation.

​Fighter: (left) Anaru kaiwai, (Centre) Master Craig Thompson, (Right) Instructor Baxter Johnston-Ronald
"A fighters journey is long! with many spiritual levels"
Achieve - Peaceful Mind - Emotion - Taoism - Mediation.
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